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Midnight Train 99-Hour Film Challenge. Bring it on!

Ya got 99 hours to crew, cast, film, and edit. We supply certain elements - you deliver the goods.

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MIDNIGHT TRAIN FILM FEST hosts an October 2022 competition-based platform for local filmmakers and actors to participate in our 99-Hour Film Challenge. All Films publicly screened on October 28th at fest. Cash Prize for winner. Goodies for all participants...


Start rallying your troops, scripts, crew, and cast! MTFF 99-Hour Challenge is for all local filmmakers. Basically, a 4-day time span to make a 1-5 minute short film, incorporating given ELEMENTS and an hat-drawn GENRE. May creativity, spontaneity, and (not) time be your guide!

OCTOBER 14th, Friday Meet Up!

HOULIHAN'S (Downtown)

800 Front Avenue

Columbus, GA 31901

6PM to 7PM: Networking

7PM: Genre & Elements Reveal

  • 6PM to 7PM - Network with fellow crew & cast.

  • 7 PM - MTFF announces "ELEMENTS" each film must include in their short Fright Cinema Genre film: specific line of dialogue, character name, specific prop, and location that MUST be included in your 1-to-5 minute film. All TEAMS must include these "ELEMENTS".

  • Go write, rock, film, edit, and not get much sleep for next few days :)

  • Submit your final 1-5 minute film by TUESDAY OCTOBER 18th before MIDNIGHT 11:59 PM


  • All films must be from 1 minute to 5 minutes total running time, including credits.

  • High-rez, downloadable link of .mov or .mp4 via (E.g. ViaTransfer, Dropbox, etc.) What you submit is what will be screened, unless extraordinary circumstances dictate.

  • Submit to

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